CRT is not “revenge” it's a framework examining on how racism is embedded into the law and institutions of this country from redlining, to gerrymandering, to the crack/powder cocaine sentencing discrepancy how blacks are 3 x as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites.
This all stems form slavery, if you can’t see the connection, I can’t help you.
Slavery went to 1865, Jim Crow went to 1968, the Nixon unleashed his racist War on Drugs in the 70s. You think all the laws and peoples hearts and minds just changed the day after the Voting Rights Act was passed?
My parents are from North Carolina. Brown V Board of Education was 1955. The black only High School they attended didnt shut down till 1972. Thats how long it took North Carolina to desegregate their schools.
It's how if Asian or African American’s have “Zack” or “Dakota” on their resume rather than “Kiesha” or “Yet-Chor” they are twice as likely to get a call back from a potential employer
CRT is not anti-bias or anti-racism training. Christopher Rufo and James Lindsey have launched a massive disinformation campaign that has been very successful
I read the “unpacking the invisible knapsack of white privilege” back in 1995 in Sociology 101, and it was written in 1989
I’ll tell you what is revenge.. the attack on CRT is Conservatives revenge on last summer for the killing of George Floyd, the protests and the guilty verdict of Derrick Chauvin.
It’s odd the right loves whataboutism, with their fear of communism it was a popular Soviet disinformation techique. But her emails.. But Obama.. But Hillary.. but Ebola.. but Benghazi… but Hunter’s laptop….