I think knowing the basics of graphic design principles is essential as a UX designer but no, you don’t have to be the next Paul Rand.
This angry rant swings to far in the other direction as you are the visual design version of the people you hold in contempt.
I agree that some UX folks are holier than thou and look down on UI/Visual design and saying design is not art. Of course user interviews, user flow, journey maps, site maps and user stories aren’t design to me, and that’s a lot of what UX is about, the research
The graphic design skills come in handy when (if it’s part of your job) is low fidelity wireframe. Grid systems, information hierarchy, and white space play In heavily, but I’ve seen wireframes that use comic sans as the type because they hey leave the typography to the UI folks.
If you are a generalist yes you need design chops
But if you are a career switcher you just don’t get the basics overnight by reading the old white or dead European dudes “seminal” text. It takes hours of study and practice
UI and UX need each other.. no need for either “side” to get up on a high horse