It seems you got VERY emotional and all up in your feelings
I'm all for telling TERFs to STFU. And I am all over Twitter and yes I do see these oversexualized anime PFP.. along with the anthropormorphic animal set
Since you dont know me from Adam, a great phrase from my mom, You have dont know a thing about me or what spaces I hang in. I've been in the LGBT community since, again another great phrase from my mom "were a twinkle in your mother's eye"
Robotech is re-edited JAPANESE ANIMATION with new diologue because the story in its original form didnt go over well with American audiences. Tatsunoko Production did all the animation
Very similar was the original Lion Voltron, also a re-edited Japanese series by Toei Animation.. the original being Beast King Go Lion and parts of Armored Fleet Dairugger XV.