Thank you for this amazing breakdown of CRT, but because its such a complex issue, Im afraid the proponents of lost control of the narrative and now the Right thinks everything from anti bias training to the 1619 project are CRT which they are not.
James Lindsey, Christopher Ruffo, and Karlyn Borysenko have orchestrated a coordinated disinformation campaign to define what CRT is.. or what they think it is
Its a new moral panic, they moved on from Socialism for a while, well they even tie it to Marxism as you said, and the left is horrible at messaging and explaining things
I read the Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack of White Privilege in 1995 in Sociology 101 and it was written in 1989. CRT and its tenants have been taught for years, why all of a sudden its "destroying America"
I think its the rights revenge for BLM and the death of George Floyd